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Charlie Rose interviews himself on the future of technology

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Even if you’re a Charlie Rose fan, you’ll have to admit that this is brilliant: Charlie Rose interviews himself on the future of technology. It sounds a bit like a Samuel Beckett play, and that’s the point, according to filmmaker Andrew Filippone, Jr.:

“Something has happened to PBS favorite “Charlie Rose.” The erudite

conversations and sober intellectualism have been replaced by an absurd

world where illogic, inane dialogues, and open hostility rule. The

one-on-one interview between Charlie and his guest begins as usual but

quickly goes awry…”

Google. Google. Radiohead. Blogs. Google. Google. Google. Google. Microsoft and Yahoo. Google. Microsoft and Yahoo. Google. I’ve watched this several times now, and I can’t stop from smiling.

[video: Charlie Rose Interviews Himself]

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