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Classroom cameras

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Some daycare centers are allowing parents to log in and watch what’s happening in their kid’s classroom via secure webcam. As sort of a follow-up to yesterday’s post, here are some questions a friend of mine and I recently had about extending this idea to K-12 teachers…

  1. How would most teachers feel about parents being able to watch and hear, via a secure password-protected webcam connection, what was occurring in class on a regular basis?
  • Would teachers’ classroom instruction / pedagogy be better, worse, or the same if parents could watch and hear what was occurring in class on a regular basis?
  • Would classroom management / discipline be better, worse, or the same if parents could watch and hear what was occurring in class on a regular basis?
  • There are some other issues too, such as the impact on school bandwidth, but I think discussion around these three questions might be pretty interesting…


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