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Dangerously Irrelevant has a new look!

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For those of you who haven’t noticed (yes, I’m talking to you, RSS subscribers), Dangerously Irrelevant now has a new look! I finally made the switch from TypePad to WordPress. Let me know what feedback you have about the new design…

I owe a HUGE THANK YOU to the folks at Foliovision. Alec Kinnear and his team were unbelievably fabulous from the very start. They were always responsive, incredibly patient with all of my questions, and did a great job of soothing my fears as I pondered the switch to the new platform (Are my internal links all going to work? What’s going to happen to my Feedburner feed? Am I going to lose all of my RSS subscribers?). The process couldn’t have happened more smoothly and I couldn’t be more happy with their work. They even sent me a shirt as a thank you!

If you’re considering your own move from TypePad, I recommend Foliovision highly; they’re one of the few places that specializes in that service. If you just want a new web site or need search engine optimization (SEO) help, I’m sure they’re great for that too. I still can’t believe they did what they did for the price that they charged me. There’s no way they made money off me. Did I mention they’re in Bratislava, Slovakia. I’ve never met them!

I’ll be rolling out some new features (as well as reviving some old ones) over the next few weeks. Stay tuned (and thanks for being loyal readers)!

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