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Eruptions’ 1,000th Post!

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Well, I find this a little hard to believe, but this is the 1,000th post on Eruptions. Since May 2008, over WordPress, Scienceblogs and Big Think, I’ve now written more posts than I care to admit. Along the way, a community was built around this blog – the real testament for Eruptions – and it has become a part of my (almost) daily routine. Thanks to all of you for reading and double thanks for everyone who has commented on the blog, emailed me any tips and made this the interactive experience that it is. I don’t see Eruptions ending at any point in the near future, so here’s to the next power of 10 (although it might be a while before we get there)!

So, I ask you – what has been your favorite moment on Eruptions over the last 103 posts? It doesn’t necessarily have to be a specific eruption, but something that really hooked you onto the blog or just stands out in your memory. If you feel like strolling down memory lane, check out the Eruptions archives.

Thanks everyone!


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