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Guest Thinkers

Great blogs for busy administrators

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One of the things we do at CASTLE is try and expose administrators to modern technology tools with which they may be unfamiliar. For example, if we want principals to understand the power of blogging, one good way to do that is to show them (and maybe even sign them up for) some blogs that are directly relevant and helpful to their daily work.

I have updated our list of blogs that we recommend for school leaders:

You can subscribe to each blog individually or I also have created a feed that will allow you to read and/or subscribe to all of the blogs in one place:

  • Subscribe to the overall feed via RSS
  • Subscribe to the overall feed via e-mail
  • Here’s the code if you want to add the blogs as a clip on your web site or a blogroll:

  • Blogroll code
  • 1 year ago:What do

    students need to memorize?

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