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GVP Weekly Volcanic Activity Report for 6/2-8/2010

Your weekly roundup of volcanic activity, with news from Mexico, Russia, Japan and more.
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The latest update from the Smithsonian/USGS Global Volcanism Program!


Highlights (not including Taal, Eyjafjallajökull and Bezymianny) include:


  • Another thermal anomaly was spotted on an Kuril Island volcano – this one being Tiatia. The volcano has no seismic monitoring network, so the thermal anomaly is all that has been observed.
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  • Lava flows and strombolian explosions continue at Guatemala’s Pacaya. Some of the explosions have launched bombs hundreds of meters into the air.
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  • Kliuchevskoi was another busy Russian volcano, with a large thermal anomaly and ash explosions that produced a plume at least 7.3 km (24,000 feet) tall.
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  • Mexico’s Popocatépetl produced one of the larger explosions it has experienced over the last year on June 8, producing an ash plume that reached 8 km (27,600 feet).
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