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Guest Thinkers

Half-finished or half-baked?

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Here are some thoughts that are running through my head as we head into the weekend. They’re either half-finished or half-baked. I’m not sure which…

Silence (or else)!

I found a sad Tom Turner post through Alice Mercer (thanks, Alice!). Here’s a blurb from the original story:

A Roman Catholic elementary school adopted new lunchroom rules this week requiring students to remain silent while eating. The move comes after three recent choking incidents in the cafeteria. No one was hurt, but the principal of St. Rose of Lima School explained in a letter to parents that if the lunchroom is loud, staff members cannot hear a child choking.

Does anyone else think the school could have handled this differently?

Not so flat yet

As George Siemens reminds us, the world isn’t so flat yet. Karl Fisch’s presentation, Did You Know?, highlights that China, India, and others are up-and-coming, but the reality is that their gross domestic product per capita is still way below that of other countries.

Extra! Extra! Read all about it!

The quest for readers and subscribers is as old as printing itself. Lifehacker recently profiled some suggestions for bloggers who wish to increase their number of RSS subscriptions. Of course Lifehacker’s suggestion is the best of all:

Of course, our favorite method here at Lifehacker is to provide awesome content (ahem).

Speaking of half-baked ideas?


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