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HELP WANTED – THE PUSH: Elementary classroom blogs

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Today THE PUSH focuses on ELEMENTARY CLASSROOMS. What are some excellent elementary classroom blogs that P-6 educators should be reading? We’re looking for excellent examples of blogs where elementary students share their work. If you know of some, please add them to the Moving Forward wiki. [Note: Tomorrow we’ll work on elementary teacher blogs – where teachers, but not students – are writing and sharing).

Why are we doing this?

  • To identify blogs that P-12 teachers can use to initially seed (or expand) their RSS readers
  • To create a single location where P-12 educators can go to see excellent educational blogging
  • To highlight excellent disciplinary blogging that deserves larger audiences
  • To learn from disciplines other than our own and get ideas about our own teaching and/or blogging
  • Thanks in advance for helping with this initiative. If we all contribute, at the end we should have a bevy of excellent P-12 blogs to which we can all point. Please spread the word about THE PUSH!

    FYI, yesterday was another good day for THE PUSH. We now have a list of 16 excellent P-12 library / media education blogs. With 7 days to go, we’re doing okay in most other areas but could use some help with these:

    • agricultural education blogs (only have 3),
    • athletics / extracurricular activities (only have 1),
    • drama / theater education blogs (only have 1),
    • family / consumer sciences education blogs (only have 3),
    • physical / health education blogs (only have 7), and
    • school counseling / college and career counseling / career education / school psychology blogs (only have 3),
    • vocational / applied / industrial technology education blogs (only have 2).

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