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Hyper-Intelligent Brains of the Future

If futurists like Ray Kurzweil are correct about the accelerating pace of technological breakthrough, it is only a matter of time until we augment our brains with machine components.
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Some argue that humans are already hybrid creatures, that we have sufficiently fused our biological lives with technology that functions to extend our natural abilities. Accessing encyclopedias through a smart phone is but one example. “The rate of expansion of solar energy has been doubling every two years for the past two decades which, [futurist Ray Kurzweil] insists, means that solar power will meet all energy needs in 20 years. When the human genome project started, sceptics argued it would take centuries to scan an entire human genome using prevailing technologies; in fact, thanks to exponential advances in sequencing technology, it was done in less than 15 years.”

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