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I’m writing again

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As a kid, I enjoyed producing written word. I hated the act of writing, but I enjoyed looking down and seeing my words on paper — and feeling like I’d accomplished something.


I suppose that distaste for the act is why I tended to gravitate towards the quick written word; despite all it’s errors and mistakes, a piece could still be beautiful… acceptable… worthy of praise.


But (for good reason) society and the world of work has so few uses for the quickly written, un-edited word [1]. So my writing has gravitated towards outlets like Twitter instead of this blog (where I believe the average post takes roughly 1-4 hours, depending on the subject matter, to create).


Given my long disgust with the writing process, It doesn’t surprise me that this is the case, but it does surprise me that this is changing.  Lately I’ve been thinking more and more about writing, and I’m starting to love the act of sitting down and creating — hell, even the act of editing.  I don’t know what’s wrong with me — but I think I like it.


[1] For a good defense against the quickly written word, read friend Michael Gruen’s post about “Word Sushi”


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