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Innovation and the Blade Runner Generation

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nMemo to self: the singularity is here. The following description of the Blade Runner Generation in the Times Online (U.K.) sounds a lot like Ray Kurzweil’s singularity:

“For the first time in history, the fields of neuroscience, biomechanics,nrobotics, mathematics, computer science, materials science, tissuenengineering and nanotechnology are starting to merge — sharing theirnexpertise on an unprecedented scale. Writing in Scientific American magazinenearlier this year, Bill Gates captured this sense of excitement when hendeclared that the emergence of the robotics industry today is comparable tonthe development of the computer industry 30 years ago. All of this, couplednwith exponentially increasing computer power, and falling software price andnsize, has experts predicting that our future relationship with technologynwill be much more intimate [than one can imagine].”

Robotics, according to the Times Online, is the wave of the future: “Forget iPodsnand BlackBerries. Soon, we will transfer information by thought, runnfaster and further without tiring, and orgasm on demand. What startednas a quest to help the disabled will revolutionise the lives of thenable-bodied.” 


[image: Blade Runner by Hellblazer! on Flickr]


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