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Guest Thinkers

ITEC 2008 – Alan November

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A weekly collection of thought-provoking articles on tech, innovation, and long-term investing from Nightview Capital’s Eric Markowitz.

nHere are my notes from Alan November’s keynote today at ITEC 2008 in Des Moines. ITEC is Iowa’s statewide educational technology conference so it’s always a good time. I actually had never seen Alan present before so that was fun for me. He was extremely entertaining and I got to go up and meet him afterward. He said that I was younger than he would have guessed!


  • There is a gap between what we teach children and what is needed in the global workplace, and the gap is growing.
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  • Students need to be able to do three key things
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    • Have the capacity to do good research on the Web
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    • Have good global communication skills
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      • We should evaluate teachers on their ability to directly engage children with people all around the world


    • Be self-directed
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      • Our system is based on the concept that teachers own the learning
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      • Corporations need people who don’t need a boss to tell them what to do
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      • The top skill learned in school is to learn how to be taught


  • West Point is requiring its instructors to teach Islam across the curriculum
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  • The Internet, rather than being a tool that will expose you to other beliefs and perspectives, is instead becoming a place to simply validate one’s own beliefs.
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  • We need to teach teachers good assignment design when teaching them technology.
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  • Why not teach students how to debate kids in Britain regarding their perspectives on the Revolutionary War?
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  • We vastly underestimate kids’ ability to create rich academic content that contributes to the learning of the rest of their class.
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  • We need to teach children to have a global voice that people all around the world can hear.
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  • Paper gives you a little voice – paper stays in the classroom.
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  • Bob Sprankle has 2nd graders asking for their own writing / math podcast shows. A sign of a good classroom is kids asking to do more.
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  • The Internet has made people realize that they are really, really poor and their work ethic is almost scary to watch because they think education is the ticket out of poverty.
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  • Showed part of the Digital Kids @ Analog Schools video.
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  • Check out MarcosMath’s Library, Mathtrain Podcast, bob.primefactor?
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  • Have the kids help you build learning objects (using, e.g., Jing)! This is a “shift in control” problem, not a technology problem.
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  • Demonstrated how to set up a custom Google search engine. Can set one up so that students only search the sites that the teachers select (e.g., FunBrain, BrainPop, IKnowthat). High school students can help create the sites that go into the custom search engine.
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  • Have an official researcher every day at the one computer the teacher has in the classroom. That person is in charge of finding answers to questions that pop up and also in charge of adding relevant sites to the class search engine.
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  • You can create a search engine for just a particular topic (e.g., Revolutionary War). Have your class’ British ePals contribute to the search engine too!
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  • You can access other people’s custom search engines.
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  • Showed
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  • Too many “technology-enabled” assignments involve using the computer as a $1,000 pencil.
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  • Collaborative class notes in Google Docs are even better than presentation notes because students can add on extra resources, etc.
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  • Google Docs gives you a running history of the flow of writers’ thinking through version control. About 4 people can write concurrently.
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  • Google Docs is ideal for collaborative writing. We should be teaching kids collaborative tools. The content should add up to something greater than the sum of the individual parts.
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  • Kiva – a great web site to teach children how to make a contribution to other parts of the world. A community of contributors invests in a person / project. If the Web needed a reason to be invented, this is it. Linking people around the world to help people.
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  • Three elements of video game design that are not present in schools
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    • Students go to the most challenging level – they don’t want to be bored
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    • Students get instant feedback (less than a second) – hard to reproduce in class
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    • Third? [never got to it; we went off in a different direction]


  • If blocking is your only strategy for protecting children, you’re setting them up for failure in the real world. This is immoral. It’s a manipulative world out there. We have to teach kids how to navigate it.
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  • Kids think they can take down their MySpace / Facebook content when it’s time. Show them the Wayback Machine!
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  • We’re blocking them instead of teaching them. This is not the way to prepare kids for a web-based world.


I sat next to Angela Maiers. Vic Jaras, Evan Abbey, Carl Anderson, Leigh Zeitz, Rob and Magda Galloway, and bunch of other fun people also were there (including a good showing by Iowa State folks!). Iowa may not be where we’d like it to be but there are some fantastic educators here who are trying hard to make it happen!


Update: I added a picture of Alan to this post. It’s not the greatest picture in the world but it’s hard to get him to stand still!



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