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Mind Dump: My new personal blog

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A weekly collection of thought-provoking articles on tech, innovation, and long-term investing from Nightview Capital’s Eric Markowitz.

Some of you have noticed that I’ve got a new blog! I’m using Posterous to capture those online items that interest me but for which I don’t have time (or inclination) to blog about on Dangerously Irrelevant. For example, recent items include:

  • ‘But I don’t want to teach my students to use technology’
  • Beware the reverse brain drain to India and China
  • The Pomodoro technique
  • Iowa Department of Education: Characteristics of effective instruction
  • The mobile Web is taking over the world (and other Internet trends)
  • Games & video can improve preschooler literacy
  • Getting students more learning time online
  • If you’d like to subscribe, please visit Mind Dump!


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