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Mystery Volcano Photo #27

Slow weekend, so we’ll start off the week with a new Mystery Volcano for you to identify.
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Quiet weekend on the whole, volcano-wise, beyond the articles about the latest eruption at Karangetang. So, we’ll start this week with a new Mystery Volcano Photo. The last MVP was Tarawera in a shot I took from a road on the back side of the volcano, so that leaves the current standings looking like this:


Boris Behncke – 4

Don Crain – 4

The Bobs – 3

gijs – 2

volcanista – 1

Lockwood – 1

Elizabeth – 1

Ralph – 1

Anne – 1

Cam – 1

gg – 1

Damon Hynes – 1

Marco – 1

Doug C. – 1

Diane – 1

Stephen – 1

MK, Alberta – 1

Kultsi – 1

Henrik – 1

Zane – 1

Now, here is the new one. Good luck!

Click on the image to see a larger version.

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