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Mystery Volcano Photo #28

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Well, it has been a long week and my brain is pretty close to liquified after teaching and submitting my paper, so let’s end the week with the first Mystery Volcano Photo since the move.

When last we left off, Rodger Wilson made it look easy, identifying MVP #27 as California’s Lassen Peak. This is a shot of Lassen from the southern flanks of Chaos Crags showing the western flank of the volcano – I took this picture in October 2008. The image in the top left of this page is another Lassen shot (not mine) showing the north flank – I’m always struck how different the volcano can look from different angles.

So, the current standings

  • Boris Behncke – 4
  • Don Crain – 4
  • The Bobs – 3
  • gijs – 2
  • volcanista – 1
  • Lockwood – 1
  • Elizabeth – 1
  • Ralph – 1
  • Anne – 1
  • Cam – 1
  • gg – 1
  • Damon Hynes – 1
  • Marco – 1
  • Doug C. – 1
  • Diane – 1
  • Stephen – 1
  • MK, Alberta – 1
  • Kultsi – 1
  • Henrik – 1
  • Zane – 1
  • Rodger Wilson
  • Now, onto the next MVP! This one was submitted by an Eruptions reader, so take your best shot. I’m guessing even though I think it could be tricky, someone will get it on one of the first few guesses, mostly because, well, you all have done it every other time! Good luck.

    MVP #28

    Click here to see a larger version

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