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Nature Editorial: Climate Shift Report “Essential Reading for Anyone With A Passing Interest in the Climate Change Debate”

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The journal Nature ran a  lead editorial today on the Climate Shift report:

In just over six months’ time, officials from the world’s nations will meet under the auspices of the United Nations to try again to complete the task that was beyond them in Copenhagen in 2009, to establish a legally binding treaty to curb global warming. It is hard to see why it could go any better this time — if anything, the global economic slump and the failure to pass cap-and-trade legislation in the United States will make it even harder. A report published this week in the United States does an excellent job of probing the reasons for this stalemate, and shines light on some uncomfortable truths. It should be essential reading for anyone with a passing interest in the climate-change debate.

See Also:

Climate Shift report, HTML version

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