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On Saturday, the Sheraton New York will host first public debut of Microsoft Surface

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When Microsoft first unveiled its Surface computer about a week ago, it was clear that something special within the world of technology innovation was happening. For example, this Popular Mechanics video of the Microsoft Surface demo on already has been viewed over 85,000 times and the computer has been written about by the Washington Post, New York Times, Huffington Post and just about every major technology blog.

Anyway, this Saturday (June 9) at the Sheraton New York Hotel & Towers on 7th Avenue & West 53rd Street in Manhattan, there will be the first public debut of the Microsoft Surface computer. This event should rock — in addition to the Surface demos open to the public, graffiti artist James De La Vega will be creating original artwork using the Microsoft Surface, and there will be VIP appointments available to members of the media and the blogger glitterati in a special club room hosted by Starwood Hotels & Resorts and Microsoft. Here are the details from the press release:

“The Sheraton New York Hotel & Towers will host live demonstrations of Microsoft Surface, a revolutionary new surface computing product that was recently unveiled to major fanfare. For one day only, Saturday, June 9, from 10AM to 3PM, guests and the public can experience this new table-like surface computing product that recognizes natural gestures, touch and physical objects for hands-on interaction with digital content such as photos, music and maps.

New York street artist James De La Vega will demonstrate Surface’s interactive paint capabilities by creating original artwork from 10AM to noon.  Microsoft Surface will roll out in Sheraton Hotels within the U.S. starting year-end, offering Sheraton guests an array of capabilities to enhance their stay, including browsing and listening to music, creating playlists, sending photos home, downloading books and even ordering food and drinks.”

If anyone’s interested in getting a VIP pass to the event on Saturday — thereby bypassing the potential throngs of excited tourists milling in from the Times Square area — just drop me an email or leave a comment, and I’ll see what I can do to hook you up as a guest of ElectricArtists.

[video: Microsoft Surface for Popular Mechanics]

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