Open Thread: Complaints and Grievances

So, we’ve had a couple of days to settle in and kick the tires, and my move to Big Think is now complete.
As I said I’d do earlier, now redirects to this site. My old site is now an archive, but it’s still up and all the permalinks to past posts will continue to work. If you want to see the archive site’s front page, go to The RSS feed has also been redirected, so if you were subscribed before, you should start seeing articles from the new site in your feed without having to do anything.
If you have any bug reports, complaints or other feedback about the new site (and I know there have been complaints!), please post them here. (Important note: If you’re viewing this on the blog’s front page and can’t figure out where to comment, click on the post title, and it will bring to you a single-post page where you can see the Disqus comments section.) I don’t have full control over the layout the way I used to, but I’ll bring your feedback to the management, and anything that can reasonably be fixed, I’ll try to get fixed.
So far, the number-one complaint is the way that single posts are broken up into pages, which I myself find very annoying. I’ve already been told that they’re working on a change that will allow me to set a single-page viewing option.
Image credit: Tony Werman, via CC BY 2.0 license