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From The HBR IdeaCast #43 with Bill George, author of True North. Bill says “…the hardest peson you’ll ever have to lead is yourself. If you can lead yourself, leading others becomes a lot easier.” LINK

I had the pleasure of a lunch meeting with an impressive guy today. However when discussing our mutual enjoyment of film, and my film school career he made an interesting reference. I was talking about achieving high quality results inexpensively and we migrated into other topics, he said (paraphrasing) “You want to make something interesting and something of substance, like Michael Moore.” I am a fan of Moore’s movies but the one thing they aren’t is high quality. As Colbert would say, they lack a certain “truthiness” as well. Funny though that he’s had such an effect on popular culture.

And I just noted that Chris recommended True North on his blog and introduced me to the person I had lunch with. That Chris is a smart cookie, but of course that’s not really news to anyone!

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