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Robot Ready to take on Ironmen

A robot around the size of a human hand has already climbed a 1,500ft rope up the Grand Canyon, driven the Le Mans circuit for 24 hours, and is set to do Hawaii’s triathlon.
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What’s the Latest Development?

Evolta has already climbed up the Grand Canyon, driven the Le Mans circuit for 24 hours and is poised to don three different bodies to ‘run’, ‘swim’ and ‘cycle’ Hawaii’s triathlon, one of the longest on Earth. The robot will try to cover a total of approximately 140 miles in 10 days, or 168 hours. 

What’s the Big Idea?

Don’t expect Evolta to ride a professional-grade ‘human’ bicycle, though: the robot is around the size of a human hand. It’s also by no means certain he will succeed—his first Grand Canyon climb failed due to a faulty ‘foot’. ‘This is very tough even for a sportsman, but I think it is worth a try,’ says veteran robot creator Tomotaka Takahashi.

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