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ROTW: Parents, children, and media

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I’ve been laying low for a few days, giving Did YounKnow? 2.0 the opportunity to get some traction. So far, so good,nalthough I don’t expect it to get as much attention as the first versionndid.


Anyway, on with the show. It’s time for the third installment of mynnew Report of the Week (ROTW) feature. This week’snreport is from the Kaiser FamilynFoundation:



Here’s a quote from the report:



Most parents aren’t very happy with the amount of sex or violence in thenmedia today. Two-thirds say they are very concerned about the amount ofninappropriate media content children in this country are exposed to, and manynbelieve media is a major contributor to young people’s violent or sexualnbehaviors. In fact, a strong majority would support government regulations onnthe amount of such content during the early evening hours. . . . At the samentime, the majority of parents see inappropriate media primarily as someonenelse’s problem: only one in five (20%) say their own children are seeing “a lot”nof inappropriate content. The proportion of parents who are “very” concernednabout their own children’s exposure to sex or violence on TV – while still highn- has declined steadily over the past nine years.


I think the Kaiser Family Foundation has annumber of great reports. If you haven’t seen them, also check out their reportsnon media in thenlives of 8–18 year-olds, how kids’ media usenhelps parents cope, and how Internet filtersnaffect the search for online health information.


Happy reading!


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