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Sada al-Malahim # 10

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Thanks to the many readers who have written in with the news that the new issue of Sada al-Malahim is out. Unfortunately, I am still busy with a couple of pressing projects and have turned the keys of Waq al-waq over to Brian for the moment, so any in-depth analysis will have to wait.

However, I can’t resist a couple of quick comments. First, AQAP seems to be reacting to the press and is definitely pushing former Guantanamo detainees to the forefront. (Including one I am still trying to locate) One of the former escapees from the February 2006 just got married – life on the run is obviously tough (that is tongue in cheek for those new to our particular commenting style).

There is also the will of one of the March suicide bombers and a supplement to the magazine on the two March suicide bombings.

For those seeking more information on the latest issue, you can A.) wait for my return or B.) hash it out yourselves in the comment section.

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