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Guest Thinkers

Should we require school employees to have RSS readers?

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Last summer many of you helped create our wonderful lists of grade-level and subject-specific blogs that other educators could load into their RSS readers. I’m bouncing around a few thoughts in my head about those lists:

  • Should we require school employees to have loaded RSS readers (with a concurrent expectation that they spend time checking them and reading in them)?
  • How would the lives of the educators in your school organization be different if they regularly spent time with their loaded RSS readers?
  • How would the lives of preservice educators (i.e., student teachers) be different if they regularly spent time with their loaded RSS readers?
  • Can we figure out how to give educators professional development / licensure renewal credit for time spent with RSS readers, interacting with other educators in social media channels, etc.? We seem to be able to do so for face-to-face training, discussion groups, school book clubs, and so on…
  • Thoughts on any of this? Got your own questions you’d like to add to my list?

    Image credit:Modified podcast logo with my headphones Photoshopped on

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