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SI/USGS Weekly Volcano Report for 1/6-1/12/2010

Updates on the last week’s volcanic events from around the world.
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The weekly volcano report, brought to you by our friends at the Smithsonian Global Volcanism Program and the U.S. Geological Survey.

nnHighlights (not including Mayon, Nyamuragira and Turrialba):n

  • Eruptions continue at Piton de la Fournaise on Reunion Island – heck, this would be the volcano news if it wasn’t for all these other, more explosive systems getting in the way. Lava fountains, flows and pools were the order of the day in the SW Dolomieu crater until the 12th of January.
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  • Chaiten in Chile continues to chug along – block-and-ash flows were seen and ash plumes continue to emanate from the three new domes growing in the caldera.
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  • Strombolian activity and lava flows march on at Kliuchevskoi in Russia’s Kamchatka Peninsula.
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  • Pyroclastic flows continued along the N and NW flanks of Soufriere Hills on Montserrat, along with a 150-m lobe of new lava that was spotted at the summit dome.
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  • Finally, Santa María’s Santiaguito dome in Guatemala produced incandescent avalanches and ~3.2 km / 10,500 foot ash plumes.
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