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Some new videos

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Here are some new videos I have recently run across:

  • Blogs in Plain English
  • Online Photo Sharing in Plain English
  • Google Docs in Plain English
  • Having Our Say: Middle Grade Student Perspectives on School, Technologies, and Academic Engagement
  • The Essay
  • The last one is very funny and also illustrates yet again the power of Web 2.0. elkedas added the link to the video on the Moving Forward Videos and Handouts wiki page. If I hadn’t made that page publicly editable by anyone, and if she hadn’t voluntarily taken the time to add the link, I probably never would have seen the video. Now I have a new resource for when I present (thanks, elkedas!).

    These are the kinds of examples we need to give educators in order to help them see the power and potential of some of this technology stuff. Also, please remember that the Moving Forward wiki is intended to be a free resource for all of us who are trying to facilitate technology-related change in schools. If you’ve run across a great education-related blog / wiki / podcast / video / etc., please add your resources to the wiki so that we all can benefit, just like elkedas did. Thanks!

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