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Sunday Papers (or the arrest edition)

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There are more arrests in Yemen. First, another one in Taizz, of someone that 26th of September is identifying as Abu Hadhifah, which tells us exactly nothing.

Mareb Press has more details about the Kuwait, Yussif Said al-Dharbash, who was arrested in January. Kuwait has cleared him of charges of being involved with al-Qaeda, but that hasn’t stopped Yemen from arresting his father, Said ‘Abd al-Latif. The details, at least as reported by Mareb Press are a bit strange. I’m hoping that the security services no more than what is reported here.

Khalid al-Hammadi adds a bit of knowledge to are earlier post, including Abyan in the list of governorates that is being combed in search of al-Qaeda. This should lead to all sorts of speculation among our readership about what is going on in Abyan with some militants on the government payroll, some nominally under the control of Tariq al-Fahdli, and some others it seems on the run.

Al-Hayat has a piece on the Jews of Yemen going to Israel in operation “Magic Carpet.”

And finally there was a fire at an oil facility in Hadramawt.


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