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Supreme Court Affirms Gun Rights

“It’s one thing to lose in court. Chicago has to win the daily struggle on its streets.” The Chicago Tribune reacts to the Supreme Court’s decision against they city’s handgun regulation.

“It’s one thing to lose in court. Chicago has to win the daily struggle on its streets.” The Chicago Tribune reacts to the Supreme Court’s decision against they city’s handgun regulation. “Like it or not, the court has elevated gun ownership to the same level of protection as freedom of speech, freedom of religion and freedom from unreasonable searches and seizures and cruel and unusual punishments…Meanwhile, Chicago staggers through a deadly summer: at least 26 shot and three killed over the weekend, at least 50 shot and eight killed the previous weekend. It’s one thing to lose in court. Chicago has to win the daily struggle on its streets. The mayor and his allies can no longer count on a handgun ban, but they have plenty of other options to reduce the bloodshed.”


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