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The Day After Salih in Yemen

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Today in an op-ed for the New York Times I argue that the US can no longer put its momentary security interests ahead of its values in Yemen. You can read the entire piece here.

Nadia al-Sakkaf of the Yemen Times was also on PBS’ Newshour last night expressing some of the same concerns about what happens after Salih:

The problem is, after that, what happens? We are going to face the legacy which Saleh has left us behind. He is going to leave us with no money. And there will be dwindling oil resources. There will be resentment among the youth. The common enemy that united them will be gone.

And so they will turn around them and see that there’s nothing left to fight for. And they — the jobs that they wanted, they are not going to be created overnight. So, we’re going to be facing a lot of disappointed youth waiting for opportunities to happen. And nobody has reacted to this beforehand.”

PS: I also did a segment on NPR’s Talk of the Nation yesterday, which is available here


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