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The Game of School – Wrap-up

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I’ve had a lot of fun these past ten days posting quotes from Robert Fried’s The Game of School. I think Fried does a fabulous job of highlighting how schools as institutions have largely moved away from many of our desired ends for students and their learning. Not always, not for every kid, but mostly… And, as I hope you have seen for the past 10 days, he’s also eminently quotable.

Here’s a quick list of all of the posts:

  • Passive acceptance of student boredom
  • Wasting our children’s time
  • When it’s time to worry
  • The game that demoralizes even when we win
  • Our temples of knowledge are lost opportunities
  • Learning and power
  • Test score burrito
  • Complicit in the atrophy of our children’s learning spirit
  • When teachers get stuck
  • Are we willing to roll up our sleeves?
  • I also have Fried’s books, The Passionate Learner and The Passionate Teacher, sitting on my shelf. I’m looking forward to digging into those as well.

    For those of you who noted that you were inspired to go out and get a copy of The Game of School, I hope that you enjoy the book as much as I did. Happy reading!

    I give this one 5 highlighters.


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