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Threats to al-Sahwa

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Brian noted yesterday that we have been neglecting the south and southern issues here at Waq al-waq and he is right, but that is not the only thing we have been neglecting in our scatter-shot approach to the news. We have also been neglecting the Huthi conflict (not that we haven’t read stuff about it, just that we haven’t posted on it.)

Here is this News Yemen piece on threats to the editor of, Muhammad al-‘Alwani, who received a threatening phone call from someone claiming to be from the PSO.

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We asked our experts where they see the biggest blockers right now for more progress. Essentially, from their various areas of focus, what did they see as the largest impediments to driving progress forward around the world and how they would prioritize the necessary interventions? The answers were appropriately varied from the philosophical to the political to the technological.

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