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Thursday Papers: Odds-and-Ends

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Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula is just out with a new statement on the flooding in Jeddah. I am just printing it out now – thanks Mac for your insufficient Arabic skills in Word – and will post on it when I have a chance to read it.

Also, for those of you, who like me, prefer a transcript in front of you while listening to the video – the transcript from the most recent AQAP video has now been posted.

Nabeel Khoury, who got a cameo shot in the video, was at Chatham House today talking about Yemen. Nabeel is quite smart and while we often disagree his opinion should carry a great deal of weight.

I have a couple of comments in this piece by Kelly McEvers for NPR’s Morning Edition, which aired today.

News Yemen continues to suffer from hackers.

And the Ministry of the Interior promises to go after the killers of al-Tarbush, while more fighting breaks out in al-Dhala’.

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