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Are you a Big Thinker? Are you a Serial Thinker? Are you always the first person to offer your opinion? Then there’s a good chance you’re an Ice Breaker.
You have probably noticed these badges appearing next to people’s names in the comment section of all Big Think articles and videos. The badges are a series of titles that apply to Big Think readers who are among our most frequent and popular commentors. There are ten badges in total, and here is what they all mean:
Leaderboard position less than 101*
Big Thinker
Leaderboard position less than 51*
Free Thinker
Leaderboard position less than 11*
Philosopher King
Leaderboard position less than 2*
Number of comments posted greater than 50
Idea Advocate
Number of likes given greater than 50
Number of replies received greater than 10
Pop Thinker
Number of likes received greater than 15
Ice Breaker
Number of times being the first comment greater than 20
Serial Thinker
Number of visits to the site greater than 500
*The leaderboard positions are determined by an absolute value that is assigned by Disqus, our commenting system