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Wanted: CASTLE advisory board members

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After 3 years, it’s time to set up an advisory board for CASTLE. Although I have a few people in mind that I’d like to invite, I also thought it would be great to tap into the expertise of my readers. Duties would include reviewing curricula, giving feedback on current initiatives, suggesting ideas for future projects, connecting us with external partners and/or opportunities, etc. All work and collaboration will be done electronically. Time commitment shouldn’t be too strenuous and the work (hopefully) will be interesting.

Interested in serving on the CASTLE advisory board? Drop me a note describing your professional background/experience and why you think you’d be a good advisor to the only center in the U.S. dedicated to the technology needs of school administrators. International applicants are welcome. Deadline is Monday, May 5.

Questions? Leave ’em as a comment to this post so all can see my replies. Please note that, if interest is high, I can’t take everyone and will have to make some difficult choices. Thanks!

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