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Wednesday Papers (No al-‘Ujayri here)

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The center where al-‘Ujayri, the Shibam suicide bomber, was reported to have studied is denying any links to him.

Al-Alimi is denying in public
what some claim he reported in private, namely that elements of al-Qaeda had penetrated Yemen’s security services. Personally, I have a difficult time imagine that he would say such a thing. I think it is much more likely that an over eager member of Islah heard something or wanted to hear something and then ran with it. But many people disagree with me, including Munir al-Mawiri, who is quoted in this News Yemen piece.

AFP is reporting that three of the 16 members of al-Qaeda fought in Iraq.

Update: Mareb Press is reporting that four members of the center where al-‘Ujayri is alleged to have studied have been arrested. The article also claims that the center is known as a Surriri center after Muhammad al-Surrur Zayn al-Abidayn.

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