Why So Many Earthquakes?
Haiti. Chile. California. China. Is there something unusual going on in the earth’s crust, or is the recent spate of major earthquakes a statistical fluke? And do we have any way of predicting where the next one will hit? This week we ask Dr. Arthur Lerner-Lam, professor and researcher at the Earth Institute of Columbia University, who reveals what’s shaking in the science of seismology.
According to Dr. Lerner-Lam, scientists can’t “predict” earthquakes per se, but they can “forecast” them, and the technology is getting better all the time. So who should be worried? Well, definitely Seattle-ites—and they’re already preparing. And the infamous “Big One” that California has feared all these years is no myth: in fact, the chances that it will happen in the next few decades are “close to 1, close to unity.”