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XOs for my XO

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I’m one of the lucky ones: my XO arrived in time for Christmas (thank you, Betsy!). I wish I knew to which country the other one went. For those of you who are so inclined, you still have time to give one and get one.

My kids and I have been playing with the XO a lot over the last couple of days. It definitely requires a mind shift for those of us who are used to computers with the Microsoft Windows interface. I’ve been reading up on the Sugar interface so that we can better understand how to think about this new computer. I’ve also started bookmarking some helpful XO resources in my account. As others have noted, the key is not to judge the XO by the standards of a more expensive, mainstream laptop but rather to recognize it for what it is (and then marvel at the form factor and functionality that you get for the price).

Now that it’s in my physical presence, I already have LOTS of questions

about my XO (e.g., how do I find files that I download? can I add some

of you as friends in an XO group?). Doug Johnson, Tom Hoffman, Anne Davis: who else out there in the edublogosphere has/ordered an XO? Should we create an edublogger community around this thing, maybe as a group blog or as a social network in Ning?


  1. I tried to wow my 89-year-old grandmother with the XO yesterday. She said, “Oh, I know all about that thing.” My mom had heard about the OLPC project too. Awesome!
  • I’m the third person in Iowa to add myself to the XO Frappr map!
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