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You can’t get to outer space with a rowboat

You can’t get to outer space with a rowboat. You need something with a little more oomph.nNeither can you get to genuine 21st century learning environments without putting a computer in every kid’s hands. Not just some of the time. All of the time.n
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You can’t get to outer space with a rowboat. You need something with a little more oomph.

Neither can you get to genuine 21st century learning environments without putting a computer in every kid’s hands. Not just some of the time. All of the time.

Is 1:1 computing sufficient in and of itself? Will magic happen if every kid gets a laptop or a netbook? No, but it’s a necessary and essential condition without which the true magic never will occur.

Why aren’t you moving more quickly to get a computer into every student’s hands? (Yes, I mean you.)

Photo credit:Woman in rowboat

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