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How can a more realistic outlook on the 1950s shed light on the times we are living through today? 
“Our dominance is assured, at least for a while, by the excruciating nested complexity of the biological components-within-components-within-components of the human brain.”
I believe imagination was a God-given tool says, Rainn Wilson in the XPRIZE Insights video below. Wilson sees arts education, therefore, as an empowering tool, which “helps define a person for who they are in their integral self.”
“Today I’m going to work on my water machine to supply clean water to 4 billion people.” Dean Kamen wouldn’t be able to say that unless he happened to be an eternal optimist.
These two images represent what is known as a hybrid eclipse, which involves both a total eclipse and an annular eclipse. That is what happened this weekend. The image comparison above is from 2005. 
The very fact that Bach’s music is so profound and so uplifting and the man is clearly not a saint makes it all the more interesting. 
The last solar eclipse of 2013 will take place November 3 and it will be a hybrid solar eclipse, meaning it will start out as an annular eclipse with a “ring of fire” (depicted above) and then become a full solar eclipse. 
There are many ways to transmit big ideas – through videos, through the written word, or as the title of this blog attests, through pictures that are worth more than 1,000 words.