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“It’s as if someone were out there making up pointless jobs just for the sake of keeping us all working.”
Now a few years into Peter Thiel’s experiment, 60 fellows have received $100,000 grants to skip college for two years. We’re now starting to see some of the results come in.
Images from NOAA’s decommissioned GOES-12 satellite that provided “eye in the sky” monitoring of weather events since 2003 have been assembled in the video below.
Many on Twitter say Manning deserved worse. Others are suggesting that President Obama should pardon Manning at the end of his term.  
There is nothing more mind-numbing than reading in someone’s bio or profile a list of things they are “passionate” about, in a sentence that goes: “I am passionate about x, […]
The Magellanic Stream, which extends almost halfway around the Milky Way, is only detectable at radio wavelengths, and made visible in the wonderful composite image above.
Do you know what a “tiger mom” is? Does the phrase “the tipping point” immediately bring Malcolm Gladwell to mind? “Idea entrepreneurs,” argues John Butman, are a new and influential breed, driven primarily by passion for an idea and the desire to spread it.
According to a meta-analysis published in the journal Personality and Social Psychology Review, there is a “reliable negative relation between intelligence and religiosity” in 53 out of 63 studies.