Doug Edwards
Author, Director of Brand Management at Google – 1999-2005
From 1999 to 2005, Doug Edwards was was director of consumer marketing and brand management for Google. He is the author of I'm Feeling Lucky: The Confessions of Google Employee Number 59. Other work experience includes stints as online brand group manager for the San Jose Mercury News, communications director for KQED FM, admission officer for Brown University and Novosibirsk correspondent for the public radio program Marketplace. He blogs at, a gathering spot for ex-Googlers to reminisce and comment on the latest developments in search.
Google has always been alert to the danger of advertising and even accepting advertising at all because it might corrupt or lead the people running the search engine to want to corrupt the results in favor of advertisers.
What Larry Page and Sergey Brin have in common is a real intellectual curiosity. They want to understand how the world works.
A hawk is somebody who wants to keep all the data and a dove is somebody who says no, we need to anonymize it.
When I joined Google I really believed that they would be out of business within a year just because a lot of startups failed, most startups fail. And so for me it was about getting that experience.
From 1999-2005 Doug Edwards was the Director of Brand Management for Google. He says that a radical change of environment can refresh your perspective and create opportunity.
2 min