Nicholas Katzenbach
Former U.S. Attorney General
Nicholas Katzenbach taught Law at Yale University and the Universityof Chicago, and served in the Kennedy and Johnson administrationsbefore becoming senior vice president and general counsel for IBM. He was witness and participant to some of the most challenging events inUnited States history, including the Freedom Riders, the desegregationof the Universities of Mississippi and Alabama, the fear of communistinfiltration during the Cold War, the Bay of Pigs fiasco, theassassination of JFK, and the Vietnam War. His memoir is entitled"Some of it Was Fun: Working with RFK and LBJ."
Katzenbach endorses Obama and explains why Obama should continue to raise important issues in the run up to the election.
3 min
Katzenbach talks about what he wishes he had done differently; why Iraq is like Vietnam; and why we still go to war.
5 min
Katzenbach reflects on their approach to Civil Rights, what they got right and where they went wrong.
4 min
The man who confronted Gov. George Wallace at the doors of the University of Alabama reacts to Congressman John Lewis’ comments and prejudice at McCain-Palin rallies.
11 min
The man who worked with, among others, Dr. King, talks about his memories of the time and whether we are living “The Dream.”
4 min
Katzenbach describes why the past eight years have been horrible for justice in the United States and what the next President can do about it.
9 min
Katzenbach talks about growing up in New Jersey, his personal and political influences and how WWII changed him.
9 min