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New Google App Makes It Easy To Microdonate

One Today, which began a limited pilot Thursday, enables Android users to donate a dollar a day to one of several prescreened charities.
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What’s the Latest Development?

On Thursday Google began a limited pilot of a new app, One Today, that offers a way to donate to charity by contributing a single dollar each day. Users can choose from a list of pre-screened organizations, and for each one, information is shown about the work they do and the exact difference that dollar makes: several days’ worth of school tuition for one student in Laos, for example. The app also gives friends the option to match each others’ donations. Currently, interested Android users can go to the One Today Web site to request an invitation to participate in the pilot. Nonprofit organizations can also register to participate.

What’s the Big Idea?

The project is part of Google’s philanthropic arm, and its goal is to make it easy and simple for caring people to contribute to good causes. “The idea of accepting one dollar at a time is easy enough for anyone to chew on, and get into the rhythm of daily giving, which could be a more rewarding experience than giving a lump sum to just one charity every year, for example.” Also, just like any other charitable donation, each dollar sent through Google One Today is tax-deductible, which is good to remember considering that the 2012 US tax filing deadline was this past Monday.

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