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Snake Surprise

A Texan mother was startled to find a severed snake’s head in a packet of frozen green beans while cooking for her family of four kids in Houston.
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A Texan mother was startled to find a severed snake’s head in a packet of frozen green beans while cooking for her family of four kids in Houston. “Ernestine Jamison said she opened the bag of Pictsweet frozen cut green beans last month to find what she first thought was a rock. ‘I saw something in there I wasn’t for sure what it was. I thought it was a rock because it was hard,’ Jamison said. But upon further review, the Jamison family concluded the green and black frozen object nestled in their dinner was a severed snake head. ‘When I saw it was a snake’s head I just threw it down and called my kids and said I got a snake head in the green beans, everybody said ‘Oh lord, you got a snake head in the green beans’,’ Jamison said. After the screaming subsided, 15-year-old Sarah Jamison grabbed her camera and took video and pictures of their uninvited dinner guest. ‘I saw big eyes, with a mouth open and a tongue coming out, it looked like it was ready to attack,’ she said. Jamison called Pictsweet, and they offered her $150. But she wasn’t looking for money and turned it down.”


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