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Think Again Podcasts

Douglas Rushkoff – It’s not the technology’s fault

It’s up to us humans to re-humanize our world. An economy that prioritizes growth and profits over humanity has led to digital platforms that “strip the topsoil” of human behavior, whole industries, and the planet, giving less and less back. And only we can save us.
Key Takeaways
  • It’s an all-hands-on-deck moment in the arc of civilization.
  • Everyone has a choice: Do you want to try to earn enough money to insulate yourself from the world you’re creating— or do you want to make the world a place you don’t have to insulate yourself from?
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For me, the very best Onion article of 2018 was this one about Jeff Bezos revealing Amazon’s new headquarters to be the entire Earth, as an Amazon-branded glass sphere clicked into place, encasing forever the horrified inhabitants of our planet.

More than a grain of truth in that one, eh? At this point, with all that’s happened over the past few years, I think you either have to be delusionally optimistic by nature or have strong vested interests in the tech industry to think that all is well in our digital world.

Douglas Rushkoff has been looking at these problems with unflinching clarity and humor since long before the rest of us heard the click of the big glass sphere. on his podcast Team Human and in his new book of the same name, he invites the rest of us humans to team up and stand up for weird, messy humanity against this anti-human agenda.

Surprise conversation starter clips in this episode:

Johann Hari on depression and anxiety in the workplace


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