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Congress Town Hall

Members of the GOP regret allowing cameras into Obama’s Q&A with House Republicans after such a positive response to the President’s remarks.
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Members of the GOP regret allowing cameras into Obama’s Q&A with House Republicans after such a positive response to the President’s remarks. “President Obama traveled to a House Republican retreat in Baltimore on Friday and delivered a performance that was at once defiant, substantive and engaging. For roughly an hour and a half, Obama lectured GOP leaders and, in a protracted, nationally-televised question-and-answer session, deflected their policy critiques, corrected their misstatements and scolded them for playing petty politics. White House officials told the Huffington Post they were absolutely ecstatic. MSNBC’s Luke Russert, who was on the scene in Baltimore, relayed that a Republican official and other GOP aides had confided to him that allowing the ‘cameras to roll like that’ was a ‘mistake.’ So effective was the president that Fox News cut away from the broadcast 20 minutes before it ended. It was the type of performance that Obama’s supporters have long demanded and that his own aides have been eager to deliver. The question-and-answer session at the end wasn’t initially supposed to be broadcast, but the White House pressured GOP leadership to bring the cameras in.”

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