How Developing Nations Will Lift America

What’s the Latest Development?
With government budgets contracting the world over and energy becoming scarcer, some predict a coming era of austerity and tough times. But not so, says Philip Auerswald, public policy professor at George Mason. He believes, to the contrary, that the world may be undergoing its most enriching demographic change ever. As millions, perhaps billions, of people in the developing world are brought into the global economy through novel communication networks, they will be given a chance to solve the world’s looming problems.
What’s the Big Idea?
Some have argued that our species has already picked the low hanging fruit of technological change, such as indoor plumbing and electric lighting, revolutionary technologies that have remained unchanged for a century. Yet these technologies will soon be brought to a great majority of the world, which once only developed nations enjoyed. As populations increasingly congregate in cities, creating a greater connectivity of ideas, Auerswald is confident that in the coming decades, a rising tide will lift all boats.
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