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Independent Target

The Democrats are pulling out all the stops to entice independent voters by deploying volunteers from the Obama campaign arm known as “Organizing for America”.
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The Democrats are pulling out all the stops to entice independent voters by deploying volunteers from the Obama campaign arm known as “Organizing for America”. “After collecting pledges for millions of volunteer hours, O.F.A., under the auspices of the Democratic National Committee, is starting its ‘You Fight, We’ll Fight’ effort by asking people to help in two regions to aid vulnerable lawmakers — in Colorado, for Senator Michael Bennet, the Democrat appointed last year — and in Virginia’s 5th congressional district, for Representative Tom Perriello, the freshman Democrat. Both are facing tough challenges in the midterm elections, with an anti-incumbent mood suggesting sizable gains for Republicans and with public support for an overhaul of health care dropping in public opinion polls, given the uneasiness and upset over the economy. Mr. Bennet faces a primary battle from within his own party, confronting a popular opponent, Andrew Romanoff, the former state House speaker, when Democrats caucus there on March 16. And Colorado has become one of the most-watched swing states in the West. Just last week, President Obama traveled to Denver to stump for Mr. Bennet at a rally and a private fund-raiser.”


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