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Politics & Current Affairs

Richard Ford on the Midterms

“Train wrecks are said to be attractive. Though I don’t agree when it’s my country that’s both the train and the wall.” The Pulitzer Prize winner at The New Yorker.

“Midterm elections (the one we just endured) are strange things and show Americans to be strange creatures. On the one hand, people such as I am would very much like to think, ‘Enough already. I voted two years ago. The guy who won is still the President. He hasn’t had his full shot at it. The jury’s still out. Let’s just let things ride, live our lives. Can’t we just?’ Americans, after all, are supposedly disinclined toward government: the one that governs best governs least, etc. We claim we like not thinking about government, like instead feeling our independence (from government), the wind at our backs, our entrepreneurial blood up, possibility peeking around every last corner. All that.”


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