10 EASY BUT NON-CANONICAL STEPS FROM BUSINESS ANARCHY TO GRANDIOSE PREVALENCE! By © Copyright Andres Agostini, Andy, in Arlington, Virginia, USA (Executive Associate For Global Markets at Omega Systems Group Inc.) at www.AgostiniWorks.blogspot.com & www.twitter.com/sciczar & www.slideshare.net/andresagostini & www.ecademy.com/account.php?op=cv&id=408933 & http://agostini.myplaxo.com
1.- You can’t be a manager and/or an entrepreneur if you aren’t a Century-21 leader FIRST.
2.- You are not capable of being a Milleniium-3 leader if you not exude and electrify hope. Furthermore, Napoleonic cosmosvision must be espoused to said hope.
…. C O N T I N U E S …
10 EASY BUT NON-CANONICAL STEPS FROM BUSINESS ANARCHY TO GRANDIOSE PREVALENCE! By © Copyright Andres Agostini, Andy, in Arlington, Virginia, USA (Executive Associate For Global Markets at Omega Systems Group Inc.) at www.AgostiniWorks.blogspot.com & www.twitter.com/sciczar & www.slideshare.net/andresagostini & www.ecademy.com/account.php?op=cv&id=408933 & http://agostini.myplaxo.com
1.- You can’t be a manager and/or an entrepreneur if you aren’t a Century-21 leader FIRST.
2.- You are not capable of being a Milleniium-3 leader if you not exude and electrify hope. Furthermore, Napoleonic cosmosvision must be espoused to said hope.
3.- To instill and disseminate and contaminate hope everywhere, one must be endowed with the arts and sciences of the greatest strategist. A ‘competitiveness waging’ practitioner needs to have an ample historic view interfaced with an immensurable determination to conceive and practice many insights and far-sights well in advance. For those insights and far-sights, readily actionable contingency planning must be taken into ‘beyond unthinkable’ precautions. Here is urgently called for to “think extramurally and sinuously,” further away from any system limits, dogma, or doctrine.
4.- To cohesively and coherently conjugate the PAST and the FUTURE ‒ along with the ever increasingly creative tension throughput-ted in said PRESENTS ‒, you have to use an extended (by far) version of the scenario method, an advance non SHELL’s scenario method (limited the future practiced to a minutia of 3 scenarios) that deals with 20% (let’s say) of KNOWNS (THINKABLES BY PREPARED MINDS) and 80% (so to speak) of UNKNOWNS (UNTHINKABLES EVEN BY THE MOST EMINENT PREPARED MIND). If you do scenarios but you don’t sequester the “covert” and “subtle” mathematical patterns, you’re sub-optimal. Got it become an extremely function patternist, both with your BIO computer and your still in silico computer.
5.- You cannot be a scenarist if you are not first a consummated risk manager driven by the applied omniscience mental view and NEVER EVER by the impious financial system.
6.- To be the aforementioned risk expert (a management go-getter, as warfare-trained Doberman, in seizing
sustainable and increasing fiscally sound UPSIDES while — way in advance — mitigating, modulating, terminating, and controlling DOWNSIDES. “DOWNSIDES” here equates to potential disruption (existential or not, especially when leaving them untouched). This potential disruption countermeasure-r does not bring about some savings. He / she brings (make it happen) about a wealth of revenues out of incredibly disruptive, lucrative perils. He / she transforms RISKS into immediate, short-, mid-, long-term CASH, cash that engenders growth, innovation, and sustainability.
7.- To secure optimally the UPGRADING (qualitative condition) and UPPING (quantitative status) of the UPSIDES while stewarding the DOWNSIDES, you must be 150% immersed with science, technology, history, philosophy, theology, and jurisprudence just to briefly cite a fraction.
8.- Being absorbed with a constellation of facets concerning knowledge — both with a theoretical and empirical geneses —, you now need to have a lucid and emotionally over-charged vision.
9.- In order to make your lucid vision into a cashable breakthrough — and paraphrasing the Oxford Dictionary’s preface —, you must be an executable / applied “omniscience monster,” so that you can navigate the northeaster-ed unchartered waters in the Dom of Terra Incognita with a plethora of abstractions, intricacies, subtleties, “hidden” / “ignored flank” patterns and interrelationships, paradoxes, beloved phenomena, predicaments, so forth into concrete, specific, counterintuitive, and palpable realities from intangibles and intangibles and more and more intangibles. INTANGIBLES will rule the world ruthlessly à la Tudor Family!
10.- To transform impossible realities into crystallized, eco-friendly, and fruitful, increasing outcomes, you must first conceive and develop the FUTURE, quite oft (99.9%) many FUTURES. If you also wish to become truly serious at in-sourcing the distressed PRESENTS with the maximum novelties from the intruding, voyeuristic, pre-clashing FUTURE, that FUTURE that is always besieging the PRESENT, you must over-discipline your mind, body, spirit, and soul to the utmost (in extremis indeed), thus turning into unimpeachable futurologists or futurist.
NB_#1: Nothing will ever function with sustainability if morality and ethics don’t take precedent over anything and/or everything else.
NB_#2: If you don’t do your risks à la Gestalt (all-encompassing indeed) optimally, you will not capture your lucrative goals and a sustainable growth for said goals. Remember: Discern wholly and extramurally and sinuously!
NB_#3: To have material wealth, you must first have spiritual wealth (religious or not). To have spiritual wealth, you must have an insidious appetite for ΄always dynamical and increscendo΄ womb-to-tomb intellectuality, that intellectuality that is brought in to the business battlefields staged in the global marketplace. Subsequently, in parallel (simultaneously) you must always nurture all types of wealth to gain critical mass to suffice the inputs for sustainable growth. NOW: “THINK GLOBAL AND ACT GLOBAL.” By © Copyright 2009 Andres Agostini (Andy).
NB_#4: If your corporate/organizational strategy is not absolutely ancillary to a GRANDER RISK MANAGEMET PROGRAM AND STRATEGY, your Business Plan will make your enterprise defunct without a fail (s.i.c.). The Organization of “STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT” is another infamous, unfashionable subchapter of the GRANDER RISK MANAGEMENT PROGRAM STRATEGY (embedded within holism and applied omniscience perspective.) When mentioning the term “Risk Management” I am only referring to my own, proprietary methodology: “Transformative And Integrative Risk Management” at www.slideshre.net/AndresAgostini. I’m not sorry to speak in first person since I am not backing off from my sole responsibilities. I will never attribute my correct or ill conceptions to any third party whatsoever. I LOVE LOTS OF CLARITY, CLARITY, AND ENLIGHTENED CLARITY. ANDY AND MRS. KATHARINE HEPBURN UNDER ABSOLUTE AGREEMENT: “Nature … is what we are put in this world to rise above.”
By © Copyright Andres Agostini (Andy) in Arlington, Virginia, USA (Executive Associate For Global Markets at Omega Systems Group Inc.)
at www.AgostiniWorks.blogspot.com & www.twitter.com/sciczar & www.slideshare.net/andresagostini & www.ecademy.com/account.php?op=cv&id=408933 & http://agostini.myplaxo.com & www.docstoc.com/profile/OmniSciCzar & https://develop.bigthink.com/wwwagostiniworksblogspotcom & www.yasni.com/index.php?action=webprofile&update_action=&name=Andres+Agostini&number=216333&lgn=1