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Surprising Science

Waking Up is Easy When Your Alarm Clock Brews You a Cup of Coffee

Straight from the department of “why didn’t I think of that?”, a British designer has invented an alarm clock that doubles as coffee machine.
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What’s the Latest?

British designer Joshua Renouf’s new invention, the Barisieur, is a super fancy alarm clock that doubles as a morning coffee brewer. Alerting both the ears and nose, the clever device employs induction heating via ball bearings to boil water and release the rejuvenating scent of fresh cup of joe. The Barisieur has to be stocked by the sleeper the night before, a process Renouf describes on his website as a ritual that encourages body and mind to prepare for bed. Although the device hasn’t yet hit the market, expect to pay a pretty penny when it does; the dual coffee machine-alarm clock is expected to cost at least £150/$250 at retail

What’s the Big Idea?

For something that you might expect to find on George Jetson’s nightstand, the technology behind the Bariseur is really quite simple:

The pour-over method of brewing ensures an aromatic essence will waft toward you the next time your hand reaches for the snooze button. For those who simply can’t wake up without coffee in their body, the Bariseur simply removes that pesky “get out of bed and go to the kitchen” middleman. For the rest of us who require trained specialists armed with hydraulic rescue tools to help us out of bed, we can only hope Renouf’s next alarm clock invention features a built-in jaws of life.

Keep reading at Huffington Post and Engadget

Photo credit: Ana Blazic Pavlovic / Shutterstock

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